Fresh Coast Established Baseline Building Efficiency and Charted a Path to Net Zero Buildings

Background of Municipal Decarbonization with City of Flint
Fresh Coast benchmarked Flint’s municipal buildings in Portfolio Manager by ENERGY STAR to establish baseline energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions.
Through working with city staff to understand needs, limitations, and goals, Fresh Coast developed an eight-part decarbonization strategy that identified short- and long-term actions to achieve net zero municipal buildings. Emphasis was placed on free, easy to implement strategies that reduce energy costs while improving the comfort and health of municipal buildings. City staff were provided with detailed guidance to take next steps after project close-out, as well as connections to free resources and programs to help them on their journey
Key Engagement Outcomes
Baseline understanding of city building efficiency and GHG emissions
Benchmarking reports from Portfolio Manager and visualized, easy to understand results
Eight-part decarbonization strategy tailored to the City of Flint’s needs
Cost/benefit analyses to demonstrate savings potential
Guidance for continuing municipal benchmarking and analysis
Connections to free assistance programs and peer cities

Fresh Coast experts provide in-depth climate insights for municipalities. Discover how a greenhouse gas emission inventory or Climate Action Plan can accelerate your journey